Therapy for Trauma in Westchester, NY

You Don't Have to Feel Stuck in Your Trauma.

Big T Trauma

You have experienced trauma that has left you in a place of pain, confusion, and distress. Maybe you have suffered a big T event such as losing a loved one and you don't know how to move forward. Or surviving a major illness that left you feeling down and discouraged.

Little t Trauma

Perhaps, you also experienced little t experiences such as growing up in an environment where your feelings and experience were invalidated. Where you felt unheard and powerless. Or, you grew up with ongoing bullying at school or in the workplace. Which left you feeling isolated and hopeless. You just know you feel stuck in these experiences, and you're not sure how to move forward. You want to heal, thrive, and regain your sense of power and joy.

Young man sitting with his head in his hands attempting to deal with trauma he has experienced representing someone who would benefit from Therapy for Trauma in Westchester, NY.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Trauma?

Traumas can involve big T or little t events, however, the end results and symptoms may be the same. Each person and situation is unique which means the signs and symptoms may vary.

However, people suffering from the effects of trauma often experience:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Irritability

  • Bouts of insomnia

  • Emotional overwhelm

  • Lethargy and fatigue

  • Decreased concentration

  • Feelings of worthlessness and shame

  • Feelings of numbness

  • Loss of hope or a sense of the future

  • Nightmares and/or panic attacks

  • Loss of a sense of self

Signs and symptoms of trauma can vary and may not be the same for everyone. It's important to recognize that trauma symptoms can manifest in different ways. As can the severity and duration of symptoms. If you are unsure if you are experiencing the effects of trauma, it's important to speak with a mental health professional or trusted physician.

What are the Benefits of Therapy for Trauma?

There are many benefits to trauma therapy as its goal is to help you heal and move forward in your life. Trauma therapy can provide a safe place for you to process and work through the distressing emotions that trauma can cause. This type of therapy also offers a secure environment where you can explore unresolved issues, emotions, and traumas that still haunt your life.

Other benefits include the following:

  • Improved self-esteem and self-confidence

  • A better understanding of your experiences and how to manage them

  • An increased ability to manage difficult emotions

  • Improved relationships with others

  • Learning positive coping skills to help you deal with triggers and stressors

  • Increased self-awareness and personal insight

  • Improved ability to manage emotions and behaviors

  • A greater sense of self-acceptance, hope, and healing

Trauma therapy will help you to heal, thrive, and take back control of your life. It is possible to move forward and reclaim your sense of peace, joy, and power.  With the right help and support, you can reclaim your life after trauma.

Our Team is Here to Help You Heal and Thrive

At Lotus Psychotherapy, we understand that it can be hard to move toward growth when you are feeling the impact of trauma. That’s why our team is dedicated to offering a safe and supportive environment where you can heal from the traumas of your past. So that you can thrive in a life where you have overcome your adversities and are living your best life.

Process Emotions with a Trauma Therapist and Move Forward

Our team of therapists has worked with many individuals who have experienced big T and little t traumas and have helped them to move forward and reclaim their lives. Before therapy, they felt stuck in a traumatized state and unsure of how to move forward. That they would never be able to heal and find their sense of joy, power, and hope again.

However, after seeking trauma therapy, they were able to gain skills, insight, and understanding to help them heal their mind and bodies.

Woman with her arms raised as she celebrates overcoming trauma with the help of Therapy for Trauma in Westchester, NY.

Our Approach to Therapy for Trauma

For trauma therapy at Lotus Psychotherapy, we approach trauma therapy by understanding that trauma is an experience that overwhelms our nervous system. In these moments that we experience trauma, our ability to learn and process information shuts off while our body's defenses turn on. Which, once your survival mode gets kicked on it can be difficult to turn it back off once the traumatic event is behind us.

However, if you live in survival mode, it will be difficult to thrive in the life you want to live.

This is why our specialized team of therapists uses trauma-oriented techniques. So they are able to help people mitigate the effects of trauma. Some of these techniques include EMDR, DBT, and mindfulness-based approaches. These will help you and other individuals that have experienced trauma to calm their bodies, build perspective and find their sense of groundedness. So that you can heal, thrive, and overcome the adversities of trauma.

Begin Therapy for Trauma in Westchester County, NY

You don't have to feel stuck in your experiences of trauma any longer. We want to help you reclaim your life and live the life you desire. You can work with our team of therapists to start the healing process and discover a life where you can move forward even in the face of trauma.  If you're ready to begin Trauma Therapy:

Woman sitting on the ground with her arms raised above her head in celebration of finding peace through Therapy for Trauma in Westchester, NY.

Schedule a FREE 20-minute Consultation with us today!

Fill out the form below and we will get back to you right away. Most clients can expect to get an appointment within the week. You can also call our office at (914) 505-7855 for quicker assistance.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Lotus Psychotherapy

Our therapists at Lotus Psychotherapy know that you may face many different challenges in life and that you may benefit from a variety of therapy services. Our talented team offers a wide range of therapy services at our White Plains, NY office and online to help you through any challenge you might be facing. In addition to Therapy for Trauma, we also offer individual therapy, anxiety therapy, therapy for stress, therapy for teens, therapy for college students, therapy for new and expecting parents, and group therapy and workshops. We also offer Lotus-Cares Low Fee Therapy.